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  • Writer's pictureJanelle Faucher

Avoiding Tech Support Scams

More and more tech support scams are becoming prevalent. YOu're sitting at home and you get a call from an unknown number. It may be local, may not. You answer and a voice says that they're from a technology company (Microsoft, windows, apple, google or something else) they tell you their servers have found a problem with your windows computer and they require access to fix it. You then allow them access and they run a few computery things and say a bunch of technobabble about hackers, viruses and ip addresses. Then they tell you they can fix it but it'll cost you anywhere from a couple hundred to thousands. They then take your details and you never hear from them again.

This is one of the more common methods. There are others where they use a flashy pop up or webpage to tell you you computer has been infected and to call... Either way you lose your money and possibly your computer.

How to recognize:

-They call you or you call them based on a pop-up

-Foreign accents (often these scams are from the middle east)

-Very rushed and pushy

-They need access to your computer (Never provide this to anyone you haven't build a report with!)

-They require high payment (Virus removal will not cost you hundreds )

-They cannot answer questions for you that you know such as what type of computer you run. If they can track your system they can tell you this.

Damage they can do:

-Take your money and run

-Steal personal information

-Steal bank details (Not always the case buy if they get access possible)

-Put a virus or RAT on your computer allowing them constant access or rendering the computer useless.

-Locking you out of your computer

-Destroying files (sometimes important ones to run the computer)

How to avoid:

-Don't provide them with any personal details.

-Never let them have access to your computer

-Call them out and hang up

What can be done if you were scammed?

-Call your bank immediately and see if payments can be canceled or blocked. Sometimes it's not too late!

-If files were deleted check your recycle, if they didn't clear it they may be able to be recovered.

-If you're locked out of your computer contact a tech repair shop and see if they can unlock it.

-If you have a virus or suspected rat contact a computer repair shop to have it removed.

-If system files were deleted windows must be reinstalled/repaired data may be saved

-Stolen details, files, and images cannot be recovered.

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